Wednesday, March 14, 2007

"That will Teach You To Say That The Palestinian People Can't Rule Themselves As A Democracy!"

Palestinian gunmen, who identified themselves as members of the Islamic Jihad group, shoot a man in a public square in the West Bank town of Jenin, in last Aug.

The above text is all that accompanies this photograph which I found via the Yahoo news images.
A bit lacking don't you think? I mean, it's probably amongst the most shocking images you'll currently find on their listings at the moment and no details of names, crimes, or the immediate action that I'm sure all the western liberal touchy feely "human rights" orgs are currently taking after seeing this sort of thing being carried out by IDF soldiers against the poor "palest...oh, hold on. Ah, wait a sec. Oh, I see now, these are just the way disagreements are settled between the different "freedom" movements. Yeah, ya know, when they do it to each other, ya gotta respect their customs.note : send in your own captions. Win a prize. The prize of giving.

Hat tip to the Jewish Odysseus for the caption

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