Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Religion of Peace IV - Justice in "Palestine"

Here is - for the first time available, the video tape (taken by Palestinian television) of a so-called "callaborator" caught by the PA secret service. Without any trial at all (not like the second video in which the callaborator was given a trial of one half hour while he was under the influence of drugs), this man was tied, layed down, and shot repetedly by Palestinian gunmen.
Click here to see video (MPG)

This is a video tape (taken by Palestinian television) of a so-called "callaborator" caught by the PA secret service.

This man was given the privilege of an "honorable" trial, in the terms of a PA minister. This means that he was drugged, brought before an Islamic clergyman who listed his sins, said a couple of prayers for his dammned soul, and then taken out to shoot. After getting shot by several soldiers, one of them then took his automatic rifle, stepped up to the man, and shot him repetedly in the head.
Click here to see video (MPG)

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