Monday, March 12, 2007

Friedrich A. von Hayek II

in english
"Can We Still Avoid Inflation
"Competition As a Discovery Procedure"
"The Defense of Our Civilization Against Intellectual Error"
"Economics and Knowledge"
"Frédéric Bastiat: Selected Essays on Political Economy" (introduction)
"The Use of Knowledge in Society"
"The Intellectuals and Socialism"

in spanish
"La Competencia Como Proceso de Descubrimiento"
"El derecho protege la libertad: las leyes la matan"
"El Elemento Moral en la Libre Empresa"
"La Evolucion del Estado de Derecho"
"Los Fundamentos Éticos de una Sociedad Libre"
"Gobierno Democrático y Actividad Económica"
"La Gran Utopia"Historia Económica y Pensamiento Político"
"El Ideal Democrático y la Contención del Poder" (1/3)
"El Ideal Democrático y la Contención del Poder" (2/3)
"El Ideal Democrático y la Contención del Poder" (3/3)
"Los Errores del Constructivismo"
"Individualismo: El verdadero y el Falso"
"Libertad Económica y Gobierno Representativo"
"La libertad y el sistema económico"
"Los Errores del Constructivismo"
"La Solucion «Competitiva» para el Socialismo"

in french
"La dénationalisation de la monnaie: La proposition pratique"
"La dénationalisation de la monnaie:La confusion sur la Loi de Gresham"
"La source de l'orgueil scientiste : l'École polytechnique"
"Les intellectuels et le socialisme"
"Vrai et faux individualisme"

in chinese
"Can We Still Avoid Inflation?"
"The Use of Knowledge in Society"
"The Defense of Our Civilization Against Intellectual Error"
"Liberty and Liberties"
"The Spiritual and Moral Significance of Free Enterprise"
"Principles of a Liberal Social Order"
""On the Nationalisation of Thoughts" (preface)

in arabic
"The Road to Serfdom" Reader’s Digest condensed version
"The Use of Knowledge in Society"

in russian
"Can we still avoid inflation?"
"The Counter-Revolution of Science: Studies on the Abuse of Reason"
"Denationalization of Money"
"The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism"
"The Fortunes of Liberalism: Essays on Austrian Economics and the Ideal of Freedom" (edited by Peter Klein)
"Individualism and Economic Order. Chicago"
"On Freedom" (with Milton Friedman)
"The Road to Serfdom"

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